Sherrill Jacob
1 min readJul 6, 2023


I paid $50 dollars to help Medium function several years ago. Now I am being pressured to pay again. Medium isn't a venue for me because I am not looking for a career in writing. However I am writing a book because I owe a book for all the books I have read and I have something to say. My son went to prison and I want to say to the world what I think happened to him to cause this. I think family dynamics play the key part and I hope to comfort the prisoner.

Your article on memories is a gem and timely for my current needs. I can not thank you enough. You may be interested in hearing what my third child gave me for my birthday only two days ago for my 81st birthday. She wrote 31 memories, note she called them positive memories with out realizing she indicated she also has negative memories. See how we say things we don't know we are saying? I think this is hilarious.

Nice meeting you and hope to hear from you again. if you need easy contact.



Sherrill Jacob
Sherrill Jacob

Written by Sherrill Jacob

What a great idea. Glad to discover medium. Oct 16 2020 is first day. “When someone gets something for nothing, someone else gets nothing for something.”

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